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Moving abroad: expatriate for a better quality of life. Recommended countries in 2022

We are in January 2022 and we are increasingly realizing how many people not only in Italy but throughout the world are looking around, doing searches online< /strong> and they ask the web: where do you live better after the Pandemic of recent years?

We at Story Hunters TV believe in change and many people ask us for information on how one can live in Southern Europe for example, trying to accumulate useful data for their future choice, we are asked how to live in the islands of Greece, if the Hellenic country has effective possibilities for those wishing to undertake their own business here in the tourism sector. Then we receive requests regarding the Algarve area south of Portugal, much sought after not only by Italian pensioners, but also by families who choose to change their lives and that of their children. The attention of many is now focusing on the Iberian country, especially with respect to the latest data that has emerged with respect to the freedom granted by giving the possibility of traveling without the Green Pass, many therefore opt for a next moving to Spain.

Our YouTube channel Story Hunters tv< /u> has been collecting interviews for over 4 years and we realize more and more that migratory flows to other countries change, adapt to the historical moment and to the possibilities of greater security and degree of freedom offers, as well as job opportunities given by that same country. Precisely for this reason we have decided to provide you with some more specific data, after having carried out an in-depth study of the various surveys that emerged from research by international bodies and associations.

You will be able to see for yourself that the list of countries where you can live better can have various facets and various currents of thought... let's look at everything here in detail.

The main survey references that we have intercepted are those of:

Overall Best Countries Ranking 2021" and "Expats Insider 2021, where the first mainly analyzes the quality of life in the country by collecting the data with respect to the degree of employment and lifestyle, the second survey was carried out by collecting real and proper testimonies directly from people who have been expatriates for years in a specific country.

We thought it would be interesting to compare these two surveys, from which evident and relevant differences stand out. To clarify as much as possible we will insert the two Reports that emerge from the surveys separately.

- Analysis of the Report "Overall Best Countries Ranking 2021" -

The main Parameters used are based on the lifestyle in general: modernity, agility in progress, cultural influence, entrepreneurship, heritage, travellers, business openness, power of the country, social purpose and quality of life (here the complete list of the parameters adopted in the report).

1st place where you live better: CANADA

Canada excels on all fronts, so overall the quality of life in the country is very high. Here the complete ranking.

2nd place where you live better: JAPAN

In addition to Japan having managed the pandemic situation very well, it excels in the job opportunities it offers, not only to its citizens, but also to foreign workers who go to Japan to look for work. Here the complete ranking.

3rd place where you live better: GERMANY

Germany is the first European country mentioned in this World Report for the quality of life in general, but not only. In fact, Germany ranks third for having a wealthy and highly skilled workforce. Although the country's population is ageing, however, costs are being created to maintain a high standard of social services. The vast majority of citizens are ethnic Germans, with Turks and other Europeans representing significant minorities. Germany is one of the most popular migration destinations in the world. Here the complete ranking.

4th place where you live better: SWITZERLAND

Switzerland turns out to be the second European country where people live better, with a high attention to the quality of life of its citizens, with a score of 100% for as regards its ability to open up to business. Here the complete ranking.

5th place where you live better: AUSTRALIA

Australia takes the 5th place as the best country to live in the world, with its capital Camberra, Australia seems to be a very dynamic country, modern and avant-garde. In addition to being one of the most coveted countries by those who want to choose to live in retirement. Among other things, we recall that in Australia the pension is de-taxed also for former Inpdap. Here the complete Ranking .

A very interesting ranking drawn up by the “2021 Best Countries Report” is the one that highlights female opportunities. With respect to this survey we find all European countries. Where the first place is awarded to SWEDEN, the second to DENMARK, the third to NORWAY.

Full list of the countries included in the List of Overall Best Countries Ranking 2021

- Analysis of the "Expats Insider 2021" Report -

As previously mentioned, this survey sees the expatriates themselves as protagonists who provided answers regarding their experience of life in the country which were subsequently analyzed giving the following results. We decided to analyze this report starting from Canada which, while it was in first place in the previous Report, here we find it here in 9th place compared to the best countries to expatriate according to the interviews made to expats questioned in Canada.

In fact, Canada only reaches 5th place in the quality of life index, 92% of the consensus with respect to the quality of digital reality, thanks to a fast and expands network that allows high-speed connections. Finally, 85% of expatriates in Canada are very satisfied with the topic of convenience of health care and 90% affirm their satisfaction with the political stability of the country.

1st place: TAIWAN

According to 'Expat Insider 2021' after a careful analysis made with surveys through interviews with expatriates, Taiwan is the first country in the running with a better lifestyle . In this country Expats are considered 75% satisfied with their job, the local economy 85% and with their life in everyday life to 80% , over 96% of expats evaluate positively the quality of medical care received and describe the Taiwanese population as totally friendly towards foreign residents.

2nd place: MEXICO

Also according to these interviews, in second place is Mexico, considered the best country for expatriates, let's look at the data: a percentage equal to 85% finds easy to settle in Mexico - 78% say it is easy to make friends with the locals. What about the cost of living in Mexico? Well, four out of five expats (80%) are satisfied with their financial situation and 90% say their family income is sufficient to cover expenses.

3rd place: COSTA RICA

In third place in the Expat Insider 2021 survey is Costa Rica. Above all for the hospitality found there, here are the data from the survey: 91% of expatriates describe the population as more than friendly, 70% find it easy to make friends< /strong> with the locals.

Costa Rica ranks second in the world in the category of personal happiness, just after Mexico.

Among the most popular countries in terms of feeling at home, we find Malaysia as the best country to expatriate, thanks above all to the ease with which expatriates already living in Malaysia, they say they really feel at home.

In fact, 77% of expatriates find it very easy to settle in Malaysia and 66% say that it is easy to make new friendships. In addition, Malaysia ranks first when it comes to language, as 92% of expats find it easy to live there without speaking the local language.

In this ranking, PORTUGAL is the only European state in the top ten of countries where it is advisable to expatriate, obtaining the best results in the quality of life index, where it ranks third in the world! Of all the European countries, only Portugal shines, placing itself in 3rd place also with respect to Personal Happiness.

In fact, 84% of expats who have lived in Portugal for years declare themselves satisfied with their life in general and about 87% of expats are satisfied with their leisure options and a given we surely already imagined, 90% of Expats are very satisfied with the climate they have in Portugal, especially in the area of the Algarve region.

Finally, 87% of expats in Portugal who were interviewed said they found friendships very easily.

Returning instead to completing the data reported by the “Expat Insider 2021” survey, we find New Zealand particularly appreciated by expatriates for work issues: 81% of those interviewed consider their job secure and 64% feel optimistic about career opportunities. We find New Zealand in 11th place in the quality of life index, obtaining more than positive results with respect to the life of Digital Nomads.

Moreover, New Zealand has the best ratings in the world for its natural environment, achieving 100% satisfaction with the environment and the naturalistic environment.

In the "Expat Insider 2021" survey, Australia ranks 7th out of 59 countries.

We find it in 6th place in the quality of life index in general, but in first place worldwide for its leisure activities and for the environment, for which it even receives a 97% positive ratings. As far as health care is concerned, it is considered convenient only for 68% of those interviewed.

Malta is in 10th place and obtains a low score especially in the quality of life index. About half of expats in Malta are not satisfied with the transport infrastructure and 38% of expats in Malta are not satisfied with the quality of the environment.

However, it scores very high, with around 92% satisfaction with the climate and weather conditions in Malta.

And what do expats on the island of Cyprus say? In Cyprus, the main problem is the working situation of expatriates. In fact, around half of expats in Cyprus feel dissatisfied with local career opportunities. Almost two out of five expatriates living in Cyprus feel dissatisfied with the family financial factor, generally considering the disposable family income not sufficient to cover their living expenses on the island.

If the numbers have their reason these surveys could be a warning to take into consideration for your next life change project, but our idea always remains the same: travel, scour, go towards your next life change< /strong>, because you will discover that the country will choose you, follow your instincts and give the right priorities to what life asks of you and whispers to you, because each of us is different and with each choice will follow meetings, emotions, disappointments and other choices to make. Change is just a process to be started within us, which will lead us towards new energies that await us elsewhere.

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